But the weekly schedule will be simple: Worship on Sunday, sermon-based small groups (in homes), and daily missional living. We will provide occasional equipping seminars and will be doing short-term mission trips throughout the year. And we will equip covenant members to live as everyday missionaries locally and globally as they LOVE Jesus, LEAD well, and LIVE the gospel. We will also meet weekly in sermon-based small groups for spiritual growth, community, and ministry. We will meet weekly for worship to know Christ and exalt Him. We will avoid offering numerous programs. We are committed to keeping our ministry simple. We believe that we will one day gather with every tribe and tongue to glorify Jesus in the new heavens and new earth, restoring all things forever.Now God is at work transforming his redeemed into the image of Christ, who glorify Him. We believe that God sent Christ to redeem us that is to rescue us from our sin by dying in our place.But sin entered the world and now all people have fallen short of their purpose as God’s image bearers: to glorify God. In creation, God created humanity in his image. We refuse to argue over trivial matters because of the urgency of getting the Gospel to the nations.We can agree to disagree over matters that are not of first importance. We believe this emphasis on the simplicity and power of the Gospel will also help us be unified.We desire to be a blessing to the city and to the nations with our actions and our words. We believe the gospel is the “power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.” We want to saturate the city and the world with the good news by proclaiming it with clarity and love, and by practicing good deeds that glorify Jesus.We believe that the hope for New Orleans, often called the “The City That Care Forgot”, and for the nations is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.In the words of the Apostle Paul, we believe that the Gospel is of “first importance.” We should constantly reflect on it, and base our lives and ministries around it. The vision of Lakeshore Church is simple: to keep the Gospel central in everything. Our desire is to plant a gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, cultural, and generationally-led church that mobilizes its members to engage New Orleans through their spheres and platforms of influence as they love Jesus, lead well, and live the gospel. Lakeshore Church exists to glorify God by making disciples who manifest God’s kingdom by loving Jesus, leading well, and living the gospel. Our desire is to implement strategies that focus on gospel proclamation and demonstration within a neighborhood/community context. At Lakeshore Church, we believe the gospel has the power to transform a city one person at a time.