Agents of shield aida
Agents of shield aida

agents of shield aida

It had one logical ending and they stuck with it. This is really meant to be the emotional storyline of the finale but I couldn’t shake the fact I knew what was going to happen. Daisy had hacked the system to put yo-yos everywhere Radcliffe was so he knew to come look for her. In the Framework, Yo-Yo is rescued from the lab she’s tied up in by our old friend Mr. Aida realizes that she can’t heal the damage Robbie’s chain did to her because the same demon magic that Ghost Rider uses is the same demon magic that made her.

agents of shield aida

You can tell this is the finale because they are pouring the rest of their budget into these CGI scenes. He tosses the robots around like they are nothing and even manages to hit Aida with his chain just before she teleports away. We’ll call him “Other Russian.” It doesn’t really matter who he is right now though because Ghost Rider shows up demanding the Darkhold. There’s also a new robot walking around and I have no clue who he is. They estimate her having about 12-20 hours before everything is gone.Īida is still pissed and is doing the angry, sexy flirting thing she does with Anton, which like…it’s good she has a rebound. Yo-Yo is safe, but still in the Framework and unfortunately for her, the Framework is slowly deleting itself and if Yo-Yo doesn’t get Mack in time, they could both be erased. Jemma asks if Fitz even wants to stop her so there’s still some jealousy between them. Fitz reveals that he had experimented on two-dozen Inhumans in the Framework to give Aida her powers and that he doesn’t know what could possibly stop her. How do you solve a problem like Aida? Well, no one really knows. See what I did there? Candles are lit on fire? Ghost Rider has fire? Good ? Let’s get into it. It’s fine but with an arc as good as Agents of Hydra, the finale didn’t really hold a candle to the rest of the episodes. Honestly, the finale didn’t blow me away. That’s right, Robbie Reyes is back, baby! After disappearing at the end of the first arc, the season finale, “World’s End”, finally brings him and his 69’ Dodge Charger back. Drives a car and swings a chain, oh yeah and his head is aflame.

Agents of shield aida